05-MCM-2-W4C Functional Surfaces - not offered in 2020/21
Representative: Petra Swiderek
Relevance of nanoscopic molecular layers (areas of application, recent examples)
Preparation of monomolecular layers (self-assembly, PVD, growth modes and their kinetics, epitaxy, Langmuir-Blodgett-layers, SAMs)
Methods for investigating the structure of nanoscopic molecular layers (overview, contact angle, ellipsometry, diffraction, optical spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy, scanning probe techniques)
Surface modification and structuring (silicon surfaces as selected example, processes for surface structuring)
Electron-induced elementary processes (mechanisms of electron-molecule interactions, excitation, electron attachment, ionisation, subsequent reactions, kinetics of processes)
Experiments on electron-induced processes (vacuum, surface analytical techniques: TDS, RAIRS, ESD, HREELS, XPS)
Relevance of electron-induced reactions (technical applications of keV- and MeV-electrons, Irradiation with low-energy electrons, plasmas, lithography, radiation damage, atmospheric and cosmic chemistry)
Modification of surfaces by electrons (technical processes, selected examples)
After successful participation in this course students will
- know important processes for preparing molecular layers on surfaces
- be able to explain the physical and chemical principles behind these processes
- be able to select suitable analytical methods to analyse the structure of molecular layers
- be able to prepare self-assembled monolayers
- be able to describe and explain applications of molecular layers on surfaces
- know about the principles of electron beam methods for the modification of molecular layers and the relevance of electron-induced reactions in selected areas of research and technology.
Basic knowledge of physical chemistry is expected
180 hours / 6 CP
Lecture Molecular layers:
- time for lectures and exercises 28 h (2 h x 14)
- time for preparation and post processing 28 h
Seminar Electron-induced reactions:
- time for lectures and exercises 14 h (1 h x 14)
- time for preparation and post processing 14 h
- Composition of presentation and talk 34 h
Lab course surface modification:
- time for lectures and exercises14 h (1 h x 14)
- time for preparation and post processing (report) 14 h
Preparation for examination:
- 34 h
module exam (one mark): oral exam
LiteratureWill be proposed during the course.
Basic data
Master of Science Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy
Module Type
First Year of Study
Teaching Language:
Further Language Skills:
Prof. Dr. Petra Swiderek
NW2 B1230
Tel.: +49 421 218 - 63200