05-MAR-3-S Geoscientific Research Seminar
Representatives: Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Simone Kasemann
The Geoscience Research Seminar introduces the students to the processes involved in planning, developing and presenting research proposals. The seminar topics are selected in collaboration with the prospective thesis advisors, while a large extent of independence is expected in the development and presentation of detailed and comprehensive research concepts by the students. Students will develop a concept for their thesis project on current topics in marine geosciences. When entering the course, students are expected to have identified their broad research them and potential advisors. In addition, techniques of scientific inquiry (e.g., literature and data bank surveys, scientific rigor) and sound scientific conduct will be communicated and discussed.
In two stages, students will prepare short seminar presentations on the following subjects: (1) Scientific rationale for the proposed study and state-of-the-art of the chosen subject of study. (2) Research questions, hypotheses, methodological approach, work plan. Prospective thesis advisors are expected to contribute during this stage of the seminar.
Finally, the concept will be presented and defended in front of a thesis proposal defense committee, consisting of the lecturers and thesis advisors.
Students working on related subjects and/or with similar methods are encouraged to form teams with their peers.
Students will have acquired knowledge to develop and defend a thesis proposal. They will have a deep understanding of the methods, state-of-the-art, and literature relevant to their thesis project.
Participation in 1st-year courses and geoscientific project
450 h / 15 CP
30 h presence in the Seminar
120 h preparation of two seminar presentations
300 h development of defendable proposal for MSc thesis
module exam (combined marks):
seminar talk | not graded |
seminar talk | not graded |
written report | not graded |
Will be provided by the supervisors of the master theses
Basic data
Master of Science Marine Geosciences
Module Type
Second Year of Study
15 CPS
12 SWS
Teaching Language:
Language Level:
Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs
MARUM1 2600
Prof. Dr. Simone Kasemann
MARUM1 1220