
ECM34 Satellite Meeting

August, 31 - September, 1 2024, Padua (Italy)


The Special Interest Group SIG-14 Dynamics, Disorder, Diffuse Scattering of the European Crystallographic Association is organizing a satellite workshop during the 34th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM34) in Padua, Italy. The workshop will be held from August 31 to September 1, 2024, immediately following ECM34, at the NH Hotel Padua, located near the main congress venue.

Interest in diffuse scattering analysis and three-dimensional difference pair distribution function (3D-ΔPDF) analysis has significantly increased in recent years, owing to the ability to utilize data from in-house laboratory instruments for analysis. However, data treatment and the initial stages of model building remain challenging. Therefore, the organizers are offering this workshop to assist participants in initiating data treatment and diffuse scattering analysis.

The workshop will feature lectures by prominent figures in 3D-ΔPDF analysis from Europe and experienced users. Participants will benefit from a combination of lectures and practical sessions, where they will become familiar with a complete data processing workflow—from raw diffraction data to diffuse scattering refinement—using the programs Yell and Discus on their own laptops.


Registration is clodes.


Saturday August 31, 2024

9:00Welcome and Introduction
9:15Defects and disorder: General overview
10:00Measurement setups and data processing
11:15Sponsor Presentation: Dectris
11:45Data reconstruction and corrections
14:00Diffuse scattering analysis techniques: General overview
14:303D-ΔPDF and Yell program introduction
15:15Direct Monte Carlo modelling and Discus program introduction
16:30Hands on examples with simple toy models
18:00End of Day 1

Sunday September 1, 2024

9:00Tutorial real data I: Tricarboxamide
14:00Tutorial real data II: Ni0.83CoSb
16:00End of Workshop


The satellite workshop will be held at the NH Hotel in Padua, located near the main congress venue.

Adress: Via Niccolò Tommaseo, 61, 35131 Padova PD, Italy


In case of questions or if you need an invoice please do not hesitate to contact Ella M. Schmidt (Ella.Schmidt(at)


The workshop is kindly supported by ELECTRA e.V., DECTRIS Ltd. and Rigaku.

ELECTRA e.V. logo

DECTRIS Ltd. logo

Rigaku logo