Your post

To add a site to the globe, see the form below. You can download the document (.docx), fill in all the fields, and send it to
Please remember to attach your photos so that they can be featured.
We look forward to seeing amazing images from fascinating sites all over the world.
The submitted information will be checked personally and then added to the globe.
Image of form to post

Some guidelines before submitting you post!

→ Maximum word count: 500 words
→ Minimum word count: Depends on the site. Smaller, simple outcrops might only require a few sentences, while more complex and more extensive
sites or entire volcanoes, reefs, or mountains should be more detailed.
→ You are free to include the information you deem most relevant for your site! It can be the geological history, the mineralogy,
interesting geochemical processes, and much more!
→ All geological sites are welcome! From small local outcrops to large volcanic complexes or mountains ranges.
→ If you chose a site covering a large area, you can submit coordinates approximately from the center of your location.
→ The usage of scientific terms is allowed and encouraged, if not in excess.
→ You are welcome to link relevant publications to your site to highlight current research particularly interesting discoveries.
→ Images can be submitted as PNG, JPEG, JPG, or PDF
→ Please refrain from submitting blurry images.